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流媒体视频订阅服务已经在消费者的日常生活中根深蒂固, often viewed as essential monthly expenses. According to Minna Technologies' latest report, Subscription Economy: Evolution Not Revolution, in partnership with 英国《百家乐软件app最新版下载》的策略Savanta在美国,美国消费者平均每年订阅8项以上的服务,花费超过1400美元. This significant spend, combined with economic uncertainty, 导致了“流失和返回”行为的增加——用户经常根据像超级碗这样的重大事件取消和重新订阅, the Olympics or new must-watch shows to binge. While this approach helps consumers manage their finances, 它还挑战了OTT服务订阅收入的可预测性.

Underst和ing churn 和 return behaviour

“Churn 和 return”, “暴饮暴食”或“连续流失”都指的是用户的周期性行为,他们根据自己的需要取消服务,然后重新订阅服务. This behavior is increasingly common, with 31% of consumers admitting to being serial churners. Often driven by specific events, promotional offers, content discovery or personal finance management, this strategy allows consumers to optimize their spending, paying only when they truly need the service.

在当今的经济形势下,消费者正在密切管理他们的订阅费用, 53%的人跟踪他们的支出,37%的人承认他们在订阅上的支出比去年更多. The average subscription spend of $1,每年416美元, 此外,63%的消费者更愿意按月付费,而不是按年付费, has led to a desire for greater flexibility.


The role of banking apps in churn 和 return

As subscription spending increases, so does the interest in centralized subscription management, 73%的美国消费者表示希望获得统一的解决方案. Minna报告的一个重要发现是,64%的用户更信任银行应用程序,而不是订阅平台或应用商店来管理他们的订阅和数据. 然而, 这种便利性有时会给消费者和商家带来意想不到的后果.

当用户使用银行应用程序流失和返回时,他们可能会无意中引发一场危机 停止付款 instead of a cancellation.

What is a payment 停止?
Regulations in the US 和 UK, overseen by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), 允许消费者通过他们的银行请求付款停止(阻止),以停止与特定商家的所有未来交易. 区块可以持续13个月以上,即使消费者已经签订了有约束力的合同,也可以放置区块, potentially leading to legal disputes. During this period, all payments to the merchant using the same card are halted, 这也会影响二次订阅和一次性购买,比如电影租赁或体育日票.

考虑到 61%的消费者使用同一张卡进行所有订阅, a block on one service can inadvertently impact others, 中断重新订阅流程,并给商家造成额外的收入损失.


在订阅经济中,支付障碍是一个日益严重的问题. 67%的企业最近报告了高达20%的流失率和退货率, addressing this challenge is crucial. 然而,企业可以通过与像 Minna Technologies 在银行应用程序中实现更简单的订阅管理流程, eliminating the need for blocks, while also removing existing ones. 这可以大大减少非自愿流失,使用户更容易流失和返回.

From churn 和 return to pause 和 resume

Once payment issues are resolved, OTT服务可以专注于改进他们在所有渠道中流失和回报的方法, including banking apps. 例如,实施“暂停和恢复”模式可能会改变游戏规则. Minna的报告显示,如果有暂停选项,39%的用户会继续使用该服务, yet only 50% of businesses currently offer this feature. By providing options like pausing or changing plans, 供应商可以保持用户参与,即使在不活跃的时期, rather than losing them entirely.


Constantly re-evaluating the value exchange

在今天的订阅经济中,重新评估价值交换至关重要. One example is the rise of AVOD models, 消费者愿意接受广告以换取较低的费用. Another example, revealed by Minna’s data, 显示有一半的用户愿意与银行应用分享更多数据,以获得个性化服务. 这些转变凸显了消费者不断变化的期望以及OTT服务适应的需求. By leveraging these changing dynamics, especially through rapidly growing channels, such as banking apps, OTT services can better reach, 通过个性化的方式与他们见面,吸引并留住他们的受众, value-driven experiences.

许多OTT服务也在多样化他们的产品或增加补充产品和服务,以保持用户的参与,并阻止流失和返回行为. 例如, adding value-add services like games, 生活事件, 体育, 商品, 捆绑销售或现金返还可以向现有订户展示价值,同时开辟新的收入来源,吸引新的受众.

Turn the churn

随着订阅经济的发展,消费者行为也在发展. 流失率和回报率的上升凸显了灵活性的必要性, user-friendly subscription management options. By addressing payment challenges, offering features like pause 和 change plan, 和 leveraging retention offers, OTT服务可以减少用户流失,保持用户长期参与. The goal is to provide a seamless, 方便的体验,符合消费者的生活方式和首选渠道.

Whether "churn 和 return" is a passing trend or here to stay, 有一点是明确的:成功依赖于优化所有的市场渠道, native 和 off-platform, 面对不断变化的消费者需求,通过调整技术和策略,最大限度地提高和保护收入.

Request a consultation 了解支付障碍如何影响您的重新订阅率,以及如何有效地解决这个问题

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